You may choose from wall and ceiling projector mount depending on your room structure and we will install them with utmost care.
We offer installation of concealed projectors using motorised ceiling lifts for living room and multipurpose cinema rooms.
We are experts in running power and input audio video cables through wall and ceiling cavities for the ultimate home cinema experience.
The type of projector you choose for your home cinema room has a huge effect on the movie experience. 4K static projectors are most popular among dedicated cinema room installations with Ultra HD images that are potentially four times sharper than those we see from a 1080p Full HD projector.
Professional installation of ceiling hung projectors available in black and white.
We offer installation and calibration of wall mounted and motorised projector screens for a stunning home cinema experience. The central subwoofers are ideally installed behind acoustically transparent screen for a completely immersive cinema room. We deal directly with manufacturers and so they even come along after installation to help calibrate the cinema.
Movies appear more cinematic when projected on a large screen and in a suitably dark environment in tandem with a powerful audio system. Large TV displays are visually stunning when compared to projector system however there is a significant compromise of not being able to place the most important centre speaker correctly. Adding a sounder would sort this to a great extend.
SAMSUNG’s new 292 inch television THE WALL using millions of LEDs to create the perfect image.
Do you install outdoor cinema?
Do you install home cinema with TV?
Do you offer installation only service?
Can I choose my the projector and screen for my home cinema?
Can the TV be wall mounted on a cinema room?